
Pixel sorter sony vegas
Pixel sorter sony vegas


In most cases a particular template will not need to be chosen, but it will be necessary for "stitching" jobs. To set a project properties to match the properties of the source media file, select the " Match Source Properties" option. You can set the frame size of a project, the frame rate, pixel aspect ratio, field order and output rotation. A standard project template can be chosen or a custom project template can be created.

  • Video Template: The project template, used during rendering.
  • These options control where the results of the processing are sent. Transcoder can preserve the following attributes when converting media files: file modified date,įile creation date, timecode (this depends on the output format). Selected templates can be saved as a custom preset, allowing specification of the required output formats with
  • Pan/Crop: Crop Aspect Ratio, Zoom In/Out, Flipįor every job you can select the desired render templates that are to be used for rendering files.
  • Event: Undersample Rate, Opacity, Channel Remmaping, Starting Frame, Playback Rate, Length.
  • Switches: Maintain Aspect Ratio, Reduce Interlace Flicker, Resample Mode, Invert Phase, Normalize, Loop, Mute Video, Mute Audio.
  • Media: Field Order, Pixel Aspect, Rotation, Alpha Channel, Auto Rotate Digital Photos.
  • For example, media files can be cropped to match your project, the images can be flipped and rotated, the playback rate can be reduced or increased, the selected transitions or desired audio/video effects can be applied and other functions. This feature provides fantastic possibilities for processing files. The properties of each file can also be specified individually. You can specify the default properties that will be applied to all source media files in a job. Markers, regions, command markers, tracks, subclips, text clips, timeline selection, generated media objects. This can be useful, for example, when building a photo montage. Multiple jobs can be created in one operation.Ĭreating stitching jobs allows production of a single output file, joining multiple source files together into a It consists of one or several media files, their properties, a The basic unit of work in Transcoder is the job. The ability to save user settings (such as a list of renderers, effects, media properties, project templates, and so forth) as presets, allows the fast selection of desired options, saving a tremendous amount of time. It allows you to render projects or selected timeline ranges to many output formats convert hundreds of media files to a specified codec generate slideshows with desired transitions and effects apply leaders, trailers and overlays to your projects and much more.


  • Stitch the selected regions of the project, add overlay and prepare files for DVD.Īll these tasks can be performed with just a few mouse clicks in Transcoder! This saves considerable time and provides relief from tedious manual work.
  • Quickly create a photo montage with pan and zoom movement, transitions, and aspect cropping.
  • Trim a few seconds from the end of multiple clips, add the desired video effect and convert them to several different video formats.
  • With an impressive processing capabilities it can automate many of the repetitive tasks you might run into.Ĭonsider, for example, performing the following tasks:


    Transcoder is one of the most powerful and functional batch rendering plugins for Sony Vegas Pro available today.īehind the easy-to-use interface are many subtle settings, providing a wide variety of choices that allow the successful performance of many different tasks.

    Pixel sorter sony vegas